Week 6 – Staying True to myself and telling my story
What a time to be alive!!! It has been six weeks since we have tracked KM’s efforts as an artist and have been pushing his new hit single “Ace Ventura” which is available on Sound Cloud. To date this single has well over 3,000 views in just one month of focused promotion with minimal marketing. A key takeaway I have learned since spearheading KM social media forefront is that he is ALWAYS going to remain true to himself. There are countless scams, “package deals” and music suitors are out to make a quick buck and prey on the appetite of hungry up and coming artist who want to pay their way to fame. As KM often states, there is no easy route, “you just have to grind it out consistently”.
Since dropping Ace Ventura and branching out more to the Charlotte Music Scene KM has been able to build some key relationships with other local talented artist. This week we take a look into the demographics as far as listeners go for KM’s music. The most commonly overly used phrase that artist express is, “my music is for everybody”. That isn’t necessarily true but what is true is that there is some one that can relate to where KM is coming from and can identify with his story. He also has come to appreciate and realize that everyone isn’t going to like his sound or image but he will remain true to himself and never folding to the pressure of societies to conform to the norm.
KM often emphasizes that is NEVER too late to give up on your dreams. It’s not always a straight arrowed path to your goal, there will be detours obstacles and an abundance of nay-sayers whose sole goal is to deter your efforts. Your grind must remain consistent and you must stay true to your form. The Grind continues ……
Do you have any pre performance rituals?
“Not really big on rituals or luck, there are a few songs I try to listen to before I perform when I get the chance. If I get the opportunity I will play The Lox – Go Head, and Lil Wayne – Tha Mobb. I have never been too big on rituals. Instead of zoning on a routine I try to relax focus on my delivery and stage presence and hope for a dope show. I do however practice before I go on stage”- KM.
Do you have a target audience or any group of people you feel can relate to your music?
“It’s funny to me when people say they want the whole world to vibe to their music that is impossible everyone has different taste” KM. As the opening overview indicted it is silly for artist to say that their music is for everybody, because everybody is not the same. You have your group of people who only like a certain sound, or only give a certain artist a chance, and even those who aren’t open for new artist. KM just focuses on staying true to himself and telling his story. Each song is going to relate to a different group of people. I try to speak to my generation; the people working long hours -paying back student loans. I have a job, I have responsibilities outside of being the next big name aritst and I have struggled before and may struggle again. I make my music for the people who may have given up on their dreams before but is slowly trying to pursue them again. “IT IS NEVER TOO LATE FOR YOUR DREAMS”. I want to speak to the people who are making every honest effort to conquer their dreams and want quit until they reach them
Can you expand more on how hectic it is to juggle music/life/work?
Steady Work defines how I juggle the process and focus my efforts. Consistency is key; I spend nine hours out of the day (Monday- Friday) working to pay for my music. If life was perfect those nine hours spent at a desk behind a computer screen would be spent in a studio or n a stage working on my music. But that’s not the make-up of my life right now and honestly having to juggle work and music is only inspiring my music and pushing me that much harder. I set daily goals for my music and from there I just build out a schedule each day. Some days it’s promoting, some days its writing. I try to knock out at least one song a week. I chip away at small projects until I finally break through, the main objective is to do something
Every day that involves my music. I have also recently incorporated going out and networking with people. People want to see your grind and put a face with a name without that you are almost a ghost.
Does your alternative sound throw some people off since you are considered hip hop?
My musical taste is all over the place so naturally my sound is as well. I don’t have a categorized style and that is what makes me unique. I also have friends who listen to all types of music so that is incorporated within my style. Everyone that knows me knows that I listen to all types of music. I incorporate that into my music whenever I get the chance. You never know what you’re going to get with me. You may get an edm track about heart break or bars about the 9- 5 life over a trap beat. But one thing I promise is that you will always get the real KM.