Week 8 - Stay True

How ironic? Week 8 and our very own Carolina Panthers are 8-0. Keep Pounding is their motto #SteadyWork is the motto of KM. KM has been busy since the last time we checked on him. In the past week he has attended a release party from a local artist, performed at a local gentleman club who has seen the likes of Drake and Future and also created a vision for his next release. What is his next release?!?!? That is still in the pipeline as KM has a batch that he is ready to deliver but wants to pinpoint exactly what message he is trying to deliver. He could go with a sped up anthem for the holidays or an emotional powerful track about life.

If you have followed KM’s musical path since his early GBS days and visited his website you will notice he has a few videos under his belt. This week we talk to him about future possible videos and also what he feels is an obstacle.

What is your feeling on new artist and shooting videos for their music?

Fanbase Fanbase Fanbase. Before you get on the road to success you must first pave the way and actually build the pavement on which you will travel. Currently KM has been doing just that creating quality content to spark new fans. If you have no fans who is essentially going to watch your video?  Now he has historically released a few videos but has learned the biggest thing to try to produce is a good crowd or fan base. The music comes and the videos fall soon after. In the words of KM “I feel like you need to build some what a base before taking that task.  If nobody knows you are doing music if could backfire. On the other hand it could be the statement you need to get your name out there”- KM.

Is it harder to push a mixtape or a single?

In a sense a mixtape can make or break you. Since it is project it obviously takes more time and effort but at the same time people may judge your body of work off of only one project. If people don’t like your mixtape they are unlikely to give your next project a listen on the other hand a song can garner their attention and make them want to listen to more I would say a mixtape, there is some much more behind a mixtape. If they don’t like your single you and drop another one in the month to give them something else to focus on.

What would you say is holding back at this point?

Time is of the essence and bills gotta be paid. KM can’t devote 24 hours of every day to music but what he can do is live his life. By waking up for work, going to his job hanging out with friends on the weekend he is fueling his fire. Life and work provide KM with the ingredients needed to whip up a hit track. KM uses music as an outlet his harmonic releases give you an intimate overview of the daily struggles he encounters. Time, I don’t have the whole day to commit to my music, so when I do I have to crush everything in. It takes artist years before they get that big break. I am doing the proper step to hopefully get that shot.

What's your advice to other up and coming artist in the rap game?

Stay True. In today’s society everyone is often trying to imitate what they see on TV nor on social media. Along the way KM has experienced his fair share of criticiem but it hasn’t deterred his efforts and will never let it. A wise rapper (Cam’ron) once said be mindful of what you attach your name too because some people are just going to hate because it’s YOU. KM realizes that everyone isn’t a fan of his music nor should they be but what is also mindul of is that he is going to stay true to form which he suggests all aspiring artist do – “Don’t let people outsides influence you. If they are not doing what you are doing take their suggestions extremely lightly. Follow artist in your area who are having success and break down what they are doing. One step at a time”-- KM.