Week 4 I’m not your average Artist

What do you know we are back at it again. Week 4 rather the second week of October as the leaves steadily drop from the trees we take a second to catch up with KM. This has been an interesting yet eventful month for KM, with the celebration of a birthday, moving of a engineer and collaboration efforts with a local entrepreneur to build a partnership.

Last week we learned about some of his success so far including his biggest track to date along with who he would include on his dream track.  To date KM’s biggest hit is Don’t Leave Ft Anna Barnett. The song is about the love, life, depression and so much more. It is a remix of Ane Bruns- Don’t leave, with the additions of original verses by KM. This track has the most downloads, listens and views on SoundCloud for KM’s profile and for good reason. This melodic heartfelt track taps into real feelings and it is evident in KM;’s tone and delivery. More importantly the featured artist on this track has built a buzz with her fans only expanding KM‘s listening audience.

In addition to his “Don’t Leave” track we confirmed that KM is NOT your typical artist especially when it comes to image. You will never catch KM rocking a designer belt or jeans from a top name brand like True Religion or PRPS jeans. Not only does this make KM a unique artist but get this . . . . NO TATTOOS. A rap artist in 2015 with no ink or typical biblical references strategically placed on his body is rarer than a 7 foot pink unicorn. Although KM has in a sense broke the mold of typical “rapper” many of his favorite artist fall into the general rap image category. This does not deter his interest in working on collaboration with some of the musical elite.

This week we try to separate KM from the competition, because honestly there is s h*t ton of rappers out here. What makes KM different from the other entire artist dropping mixtape after mixtape over trap beats. Or every young rapper under 25 under the sun with “Young” in front of their name rapping about popping bottles, hooking up with endless groupies and rapping about jewelry they do not own. Guess you will have to read further to learn more . . .  . .


There are A LOT of rappers out here and even more aspiring artist, what makes you different?    

I am not sure what makes me different. I feel I am truthful and honest in everything I say. I feel my background and some of the things I have been through make me different. I speak on issues that my generation is facing. I have lived a life worth talking about, I’m by far not a model citizen nor have I always played fair or been given a helping hand in times of need. I mean it would be great if I owned a private jet flew out Victoria Secret Models and dressed head to toe every day in nothing but designer, but that is not my reality. I have a job, I have bills, I have had heartbreak and I am honestly just trying to figure life out. I think most people out here can relate to that.  


Do you remember your first performance, what was it like?

The first performance I ever did was way back. I was only in 4th grade and did a talent show with 2 friends to Bones Thugs N Harmony – Thuggish Ruggish Bone. That was my first “taste”. As an adult my first open mic was at The Evening Muse in 2014. Not to sound cliche-ish but imagine Rabbit from 8 mile.  I was so scared I wore my hoodie over my face for the first song. After hearing people clap I took my hoodie off and went crazy for the second song.

My first full performance was at Draught, a local bar here in Charlotte, NC-- a cover band named Heroes At Last reached out and asked if I would like to perform during their set. I was terrified once I got out there and saw so many people, I for sure thought they were gonna boo my a** right off the stage especially since they’re a rock cover band and I’m performing original rap songs.  My performances are up there with Michael Jackson or KISS live but as with anything the more opportunity I get the better my shows get.


When people hear the name KM what do you want to think or associate you with?

Music. Grind. Hustle. I put 200% effort everytime I step into a studio onto a stage or behind a mic. I say hustle because I realize this is not an overnight thing and I am in for the long haul. I’m putting my foot to the pedal and doing 12 open mics a month and 2 – 4 shows a month and reaching out to local talent to build a fanbase daily.


Outside of music what are some your hobbies and why?

I love sports because I am competitive by nature and also I’m active and love to stay in shape. Whether it’s basketball, flag football or soccer I’m always willing to have some fun and show off my athletic side .I have also been bit by the entrepreneur bug-- I am always working on business ideas; I want to own a company hopefully soon. I want to be my own boss.


What motto do you live by and why?

Working smarter pays off, that is the American dream. One of my favorite quotes is “I’m not afraid of working hard at anything, whatever it is. I just always want to be the best that I can.”-Gisele Bundchen

If you don’t believe that then what the hell do you believe in?