Fall 15' is here
With the season changing it only seems right that we would take a minute to revisit KM and see what he has in store for the fall. Perfect timing and right on cue KM has arrived with his “Fall Flow”. The Fall flow is the continued grind and focus with new music, features and audio fragments that are sure to please your ears as the leaves fall from the trees and Fall 2015 officially kicks off. Recently KM has enjoyed the early success of his new hit single Ace Ventura (which is available on SoundCloud) and hit the stage at local venues in Charlotte, NC to perform the spit fire ode to a Jim Carrey cult classic.
Last week we learned that KM was once a member of a 3 headed monster of a group titled GBS. As with most groups the tenure was short-lived but it did create a spark that has caused KM to pursue his musical passion. We also learned about the obstacles KM has faced early on his journey to hip hop stardom.
Being an indie-hip-hop artist in a city not particularly keen on hip hop music has more than its fair share of obstacles along the way. Some of the biggest hurdles that KM has encountered thus far are reliability and efficient yet effective way to market the music. Reliability is a big factor—being an upcoming artist in a relatively big city people are quick to want to work together. The problem is that when it is time to really put time in and go to work they’re nowhere to be found and coincidentally won’t return text/phone calls. Over time KM has learned to only use this foolery as fuel and add it to his inspiration when song writing. The other huge obstacle ALL new artist must face is marketing. Recently KM along with help and insight from his team have tried guerilla marketing. Guerrilla Marketing is an advertising strategy that focuses on low-cost unconventional marketing tactics that yield maximum results. Twitter blast, unique hashtag sayings and frequent recorded performances linked to personalized site have been the game plan for KM thus far. He has recently garnered more attention from local artist and fans and has built key relationships with some of Charlotte’s prominent musical figures.
This week we will delve into some of KM’s biggest hits thus far and also pick his brain on perfect song collaboration. We also see what KM is currently listening too and get a sneak peak into his future projects for the Fall. Fall 15 is here, the #SteadyWork continues . . . .
What do you feel is your biggest hit so far and why?
To date KM’s biggest hit is Don’t Leave Ft Anna Barnett. The song is about the love, life, depression and so much more. It is a remix of Ane Bruns- Don’t leave, I wrote my own verses for the song. The song deals with the heartbreak I went through in life and also talks about the depression and how I coped with moving on. Relationships are a slippery slope, I can definitely say that there have been some low points and heartbreak in my lifetime, sometimes it ends smoothly other times it has been a pure sh*t show. The song took me back to a dark place in my life but was good for me to express my true feelings since there was no closure. The mistakes we both made.
If you could work with any artist, producer and vocalist on ONE track who would it be and why ?
I would work with Explosions in the sky. They produced a great amount of music for the movie “Friday Night Lights”. Their instrumentals take on so many emotions. Being a former Athlete the music they made for that movie encompassed what so many people go through. I feel we could make some great music. Sports and music go hand in hand but their music hits aspects beyond that.
Most rappers and hip hop artist have lots of tattoos why don't you?
A lot of my friends have sleeves or body art work that I appreciate from a distance but I personally do not have any ink. For one I don’t like needles and I don’t know of anything I want placed permanently on my body. I like tattoos and think some people have extraordinary ones. Just cause you are a hip hop artist does not mean you have to have a tattoo.
What's currently in your ear buds or on your iTunes?
My music taste is all over the place and you can definitely tell by my latest tracks. Lately I have been listening to JCole and Kendrick Lamar on the hip hop front, also Death Cab for Cutie, Sparta and Kings of Leon.
What's the next track you're working on?
Connections, connecting and more networking!!!! I just finished up three tracks, so I’m going to spend the next month working on collaborations with other Charlotte Artist. I have some tricks up my sleeve you will just have to stay tuned, I’m working on a partnership with a music app here in Charlotte, once it finalizes it will be MEGA, until then I’m forever grinding, it’s steady work over this way.