Week 6 – Staying True to myself and telling my story

What a time to be alive!!! It has been six weeks since we have tracked KM’s efforts as an artist and have been pushing his new hit single “Ace Ventura” which is available on Sound Cloud. To date this single has well over 3,000 views in just one month of focused promotion with minimal marketing. A key takeaway I have learned since spearheading KM social media forefront is that he is ALWAYS going to remain true to himself. There are countless scams, “package deals” and music suitors are out to make a quick buck and prey on the appetite of hungry up and coming artist who want to pay their way to fame. As KM often states, there is no easy route, “you just have to grind it out consistently”.

Since dropping Ace Ventura and branching out more to the Charlotte Music Scene KM has been able to build some key relationships with other local talented artist. This week we take a look into the demographics as far as listeners go for KM’s music. The most commonly overly used phrase that artist express is, “my music is for everybody”. That isn’t necessarily true but what is true is that there is some one that can relate to where KM is coming from and can identify with his story. He also has come to appreciate and realize that everyone isn’t going to like his sound or image but he will remain true to himself and never folding to the pressure of societies to conform to the norm.

KM often emphasizes that is NEVER too late to give up on your dreams. It’s not always a straight arrowed path to your goal, there will be detours obstacles and an abundance of nay-sayers whose sole goal is to deter your efforts. Your grind must remain consistent and you must stay true to your form. The Grind continues ……


Do you have any pre performance rituals?

“Not really big on rituals or luck, there are a few songs I try to listen to before I perform when I get the chance.  If I get the opportunity I will play The Lox – Go Head, and Lil Wayne – Tha Mobb. I have never been too big on rituals. Instead of zoning on a routine I try to relax focus on my delivery and stage presence and hope for a dope show.  I do however practice before I go on stage”- KM.

Do you have a target audience or any group of people you feel can relate to your music?

“It’s funny to me when people say they want the whole world to vibe to their music that is impossible everyone has different taste” KM. As the opening overview indicted it is silly for artist to say that their music is for everybody, because everybody is not the same. You have your group of people who only like a certain sound, or only give a certain artist a chance, and even those who aren’t open for new artist.  KM just focuses on staying true to himself and telling his story. Each song is going to relate to a different group of people. I try to speak to my generation; the people working long hours -paying back student loans. I have a job, I have responsibilities outside of being the next big name aritst and I have struggled before and may struggle again. I make my music for the people who may have given up on their dreams before but is slowly trying to pursue them again.  “IT IS NEVER TOO LATE FOR YOUR DREAMS”. I want to speak to the people who are making every honest effort to conquer their dreams and want quit until they reach them

Can you expand more on how hectic it is to juggle music/life/work?

Steady Work defines how I juggle the process and focus my efforts. Consistency is key; I spend nine hours out of the day  (Monday- Friday) working to pay for my music. If life was perfect those nine hours spent at a desk behind a computer screen would be spent in a studio or n a stage working on my music. But that’s not the make-up of my life right now and honestly having to juggle work and music is only inspiring my music and pushing me that much harder. I set daily goals for my music and from there I just build out a schedule each day. Some days it’s promoting, some days its writing. I try to knock out at least one song a week. I chip away at small projects until I finally break through, the main objective is to do something

Every day that involves my music. I have also recently incorporated going out and networking with people. People want to see your grind and put a face with a name without that you are almost a ghost.

Does your alternative sound throw some people off since you are considered hip hop?

My musical taste is all over the place so naturally my sound is as well. I don’t have a categorized style and that is what makes me unique. I also have friends who listen to all types of music so that is incorporated within my style. Everyone that knows me knows that I listen to all types of music. I incorporate that into my music whenever I get the chance. You never know what you’re going to get with me. You may get an edm track about heart break or bars about the 9- 5 life over a trap beat. But one thing I promise is that you will always get the real KM.


Week 5 Making A Way

 Success isn’t born overnight and neither are hip hop artist that want to be around for a long time. This week we sit down with KM and see what he thinks it will take to “stick” in this rap game. As most hip hop heads are well informed there are more than your fair share of rappers, aspiring rappers and one- hit wonders who enter the game each year.

 Ever wonder what happen to the likes of J-Kwon, Chingy or even Guerilla Black ???!?? These artists all experienced a relatively large piece of success in the music industry.  You may not be able to place a face with a name but rests assure if one of their songs comes on the radio you will instantly know all of the words (well if you’re a TRUE hip-hop fan).

 A lot is to be said about one who can build longevity in a genre when someone 35 and older is considered “old”. When you think about it hip hop is the ONLY genre that doesn’t really have a hall of fame or separate section labeled classic. When rappers get old they’re considered cool or historical they are thought of as wack and not cool anymore. While the likes of Aerosmith, Madonna, Cher and Bono continue and flourish! KM doesn’t wasn’t to just be that one hit wonder you hear years from now on local grocery store commercials or a karaoke joke,. He is making timeless music that will be enjoyed for generations to come.

What do you think makes rappers have longevity in the rap game?

 Longevity is defined as the ability to last for a long time. When you think about artist that have the ability to reinvent themselves and stay relevant some names come to mind. Jay- Z, Eminem and Lil Wayne. Although Lil Wayne has taken a 360 spin since oversized white tee and corn rows days he is now a house hold name. KM believes that are two factors that play into his lengthy level of success; Consistency and Repetition.  He is also big on sports and it would be fitting that is favorite quarterback is Peyton Manning a man that defines repetition and consistency.

 The formula to a long successful career in hip isn’t a simple formula but KM firmly believes that these artist although may change clothes, grow grey hairs or pack on a few pounds haven’t changed what got them to their peak of their careers/ Their hunger for more consistently working on new sounds and the repetition of trusting your craft. Consistency and repetition are keys in having a long successful rap career.

If you could have one shout out or testimonial from a known celeb who would it be and why? 

The first group to ever harmonize yet deliver a melodic thug inspired anthem is Bone-Thugz-N-Harmony. Knowing their history and rise to fame from virtually nothing is something KM can relate too. 

 In this day and age a testimonial or shout-out by someone who is already “ON” is huge. Just look at what happen to Dram after Beyoncé danced to his video on Instagram or what happen to Migoes after Drake hopped on Versace. If someone can vouch for your music or show you love on social media it can be the greatest catalyst in modern day. KM would love if Bone-Thugz-N-Harmony would shout out one of his songs.

How do you find time to record having a full job?


KM is FTE not a FTR. In other words he is a full time employee who must utilize his time management skills. In the words of KM, “If you want to conquer your goals or dreams its takes time, nothing is done overnight”. 

 The more prepared you are for the day the easier it is to get things done. KM sets daily tasks that he seeks to achieve both at work and in regards to his music. Whether it’s writing a hook or finding a new open mic any small step towards getting his music out there outside of his 8-5 to very significant. Time is of the essence and is invaluable factor we can never get back. KM is very focused and driven individual and trues to cut out any activities that take away from his music hustle.  Sure it would be great if he had 24 hours of every day to devote towards his music career but he doesn’t’ he is crunching time to often to get his track heard. But the struggle makes history that much better. He has a regular job and a career he wants to take off on in regards to hip hop. #SteadyWork couldn’t be a more fitting motto for him.

Any shows or new performances coming up?

 KM is headlining R & B Mondays at Hookah Life Charlotte on October 26th, 2015. This will be his first time headlining a strictly hip hop themed venue. Along with his performance he is set to release a new schedule of Open Mic tour dates. Along with these performances underway KM is set to release new track very soon, just wait on it. . . .

Week 4 I’m not your average Artist

What do you know we are back at it again. Week 4 rather the second week of October as the leaves steadily drop from the trees we take a second to catch up with KM. This has been an interesting yet eventful month for KM, with the celebration of a birthday, moving of a engineer and collaboration efforts with a local entrepreneur to build a partnership.

Last week we learned about some of his success so far including his biggest track to date along with who he would include on his dream track.  To date KM’s biggest hit is Don’t Leave Ft Anna Barnett. The song is about the love, life, depression and so much more. It is a remix of Ane Bruns- Don’t leave, with the additions of original verses by KM. This track has the most downloads, listens and views on SoundCloud for KM’s profile and for good reason. This melodic heartfelt track taps into real feelings and it is evident in KM;’s tone and delivery. More importantly the featured artist on this track has built a buzz with her fans only expanding KM‘s listening audience.

In addition to his “Don’t Leave” track we confirmed that KM is NOT your typical artist especially when it comes to image. You will never catch KM rocking a designer belt or jeans from a top name brand like True Religion or PRPS jeans. Not only does this make KM a unique artist but get this . . . . NO TATTOOS. A rap artist in 2015 with no ink or typical biblical references strategically placed on his body is rarer than a 7 foot pink unicorn. Although KM has in a sense broke the mold of typical “rapper” many of his favorite artist fall into the general rap image category. This does not deter his interest in working on collaboration with some of the musical elite.

This week we try to separate KM from the competition, because honestly there is s h*t ton of rappers out here. What makes KM different from the other entire artist dropping mixtape after mixtape over trap beats. Or every young rapper under 25 under the sun with “Young” in front of their name rapping about popping bottles, hooking up with endless groupies and rapping about jewelry they do not own. Guess you will have to read further to learn more . . .  . .


There are A LOT of rappers out here and even more aspiring artist, what makes you different?    

I am not sure what makes me different. I feel I am truthful and honest in everything I say. I feel my background and some of the things I have been through make me different. I speak on issues that my generation is facing. I have lived a life worth talking about, I’m by far not a model citizen nor have I always played fair or been given a helping hand in times of need. I mean it would be great if I owned a private jet flew out Victoria Secret Models and dressed head to toe every day in nothing but designer, but that is not my reality. I have a job, I have bills, I have had heartbreak and I am honestly just trying to figure life out. I think most people out here can relate to that.  


Do you remember your first performance, what was it like?

The first performance I ever did was way back. I was only in 4th grade and did a talent show with 2 friends to Bones Thugs N Harmony – Thuggish Ruggish Bone. That was my first “taste”. As an adult my first open mic was at The Evening Muse in 2014. Not to sound cliche-ish but imagine Rabbit from 8 mile.  I was so scared I wore my hoodie over my face for the first song. After hearing people clap I took my hoodie off and went crazy for the second song.

My first full performance was at Draught, a local bar here in Charlotte, NC-- a cover band named Heroes At Last reached out and asked if I would like to perform during their set. I was terrified once I got out there and saw so many people, I for sure thought they were gonna boo my a** right off the stage especially since they’re a rock cover band and I’m performing original rap songs.  My performances are up there with Michael Jackson or KISS live but as with anything the more opportunity I get the better my shows get.


When people hear the name KM what do you want to think or associate you with?

Music. Grind. Hustle. I put 200% effort everytime I step into a studio onto a stage or behind a mic. I say hustle because I realize this is not an overnight thing and I am in for the long haul. I’m putting my foot to the pedal and doing 12 open mics a month and 2 – 4 shows a month and reaching out to local talent to build a fanbase daily.


Outside of music what are some your hobbies and why?

I love sports because I am competitive by nature and also I’m active and love to stay in shape. Whether it’s basketball, flag football or soccer I’m always willing to have some fun and show off my athletic side .I have also been bit by the entrepreneur bug-- I am always working on business ideas; I want to own a company hopefully soon. I want to be my own boss.


What motto do you live by and why?

Working smarter pays off, that is the American dream. One of my favorite quotes is “I’m not afraid of working hard at anything, whatever it is. I just always want to be the best that I can.”-Gisele Bundchen

If you don’t believe that then what the hell do you believe in?